Logo of la riserva bio

LaRiservaBio organic farm, founded by owners, Anna Maria De Rossi and her husband, an expert in agronomy, has been producing award winning olive oil for decades.

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HomeHealthy EatingInterview to laRiservabio founder

Interview to laRiservabio founder

Giovanni Papacchini tells us why extra virgin olive oil matterz

We asked Giovanni Papacchini, agronomist and founder of the LaRiservaBio farm, what led him to choose to produce organic extra virgin olive oil. Below you can read the reasons and beliefs that led him to commit to this niche sector. We would also like to say that laRiservaBio oil is also sold and highly appreciated on markets outside Italy, such as France, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, and Norway, as well as it is the winner of many important awards.

Since when have you been producing organic extra virgin olive oil?

Since 2000, the year in which I developed the belief that I had to produce food respecting consumers, the environment and above all myself, because the first one to pay with his health for the use of chemicals is the farmer.

Why so much care and passion for extra virgin olive oil?

Because I consider it to be the prince of our cuisine, the Mediterranean one, and because my lands are extremely suitable for its production.

Why did you decide to opt for organic food?

Because my university studies made me discover the negative effects of chemical pesticides used in agriculture, both on people and the environment.

Can you list some benefits we can have by using extra virgin olive oil in the

our daily life?

Improvement of the flavor of any type of dish. Positive effects on health, in particular reduction of cholesterol, antioxidant effect and counteracting cellular aging, protection of the gastric mucosa.

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